This recipe can be used to make an inexpensive and sustaining family meal in 20 minutes with whatever you have to hand.
Chop up an onion and fry with a little oil in a large saucepan. Add garlic if you like it and have it.
Add any sort of meat you have, chopped or diced into pieces (sausages, beef, lamb, chicken, pork, meatballs – it doesn't matter as long as it is cut into pieces and boneless). Cook until browned.
Add any chopped vegetables that you have: raw or cooked. Especially use up anything looking a bit sad. Continue cooking on medium/low.
Add a tin of tomatoes (plain or flavoured). Keep simmering.
If you don't have much meat, or want to bulk the meal out, add a tin of chick peas, lentils or beans.
Cruise the fridge looking for leftovers: odd bits left over from other meals, bacon, cold meats, hummus, sauces, dips, gravy... basically anything that needs using up (but isn't past its use-by date). Chop up or scrape out into pan. Keep saucepan simmering.
Check out the fruit bowl for soft or bruised apples or pears that no one will eat – chop up the best bits and add to pan (not too much, if you don't like sweet tastes).
Add any frozen vegetables you fancy (e.g. spinach, mixed vege, peas).
Add a bit of chutney, herbs, seasoning mix, and/or a splash of wine. Salt & pepper to taste.
Leave simmering while you cook some rice.
Keep an eye on the meat mixture. If looks a bit too thick, add a little water. If it looks too watery for your tastes, thicken with a little bit of flour or cornflour.
Once rice is cooked, serve together.