Playdough is quick and easy to make, keeps well, and can provide hours of fun for kids of all ages.
To make it you will need a saucepan and a stirring spoon (a wooden spoon is best).
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tbs cream of tartar
2 tbs oil
1 cup water
food colouring as desired
Mix ingredients together in a pan.
Heat over a moderate element, stirring until the dough firms and forms into a large ball.
Make sure it doesn't catch - keep turning until ready.
The dough does not become any firmer when cold, so ensure it reaches desired consistency before removing from the heat.
If lumpy, knead for a few minutes.
When cool, playdough can be stored in an airtight container. Do not keep in the fridge or it will go slimy. The dough will keep for some time in airtight, cool conditions. Discard if it turns slimy, crusty or starts to smell.
TIP: If you don't have any cream of tartar, then you can substitute another acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar.
Playdough activity ideas
Make sculptures of your family and pets; use a garlic crusher to make hair and fur
Make pretend food, and set up a cake stall or cafe for your family (but don't eat the playdough)
Roll it out flat and use a stylus to draw patterns and pictures on it
Roll out little snakes or noodles, and join them together end to end - see how long you can make it, or use the snakes to spell out your name
Make a fairy castle or fort; use a stylus to mark out windows on the walls
Use the playdough as a base for a landscape diorama (but don't leave the playdough out when you finish or it will go hard - you'll have to pack it away)
You can write more ideas in the comments, or send us pictures of your creations. Have fun!