Each morning we post a fun challenge or competition.
You have until midday tomorrow to complete the activity and send us your response. We'll post the best ones here.
Today's challenge:
We have all been staying at home for nearly a week now. This means you have had plenty of time to study all the people and pets in your house. You will know them so well by this time you could draw them blindfolded.
Which is what you need to do today.
Get some paper and pens, blindfold yourself (or close your eyes) and draw a picture of all your family and all your pets. If you live by yourself, then you can draw a self-portrait.
Here is the drawing I made of my cat:
Make sure you keep your eyes closed! No peeking! You can send your family portraits to us at ourbccblog@gmail.com. Let us know if you want your name included when we post it (kids – let us know your age, too).
If you have ideas for future challenges, drop us an email!